Post pandemic solutions. Aviation Guerrilla.

The pandemic resulted in unimaginable financial losses for most airlines worldwide. Some operators did not survive this. Others continue to struggle for economic survival.

It's time to adapt to the changing realities of your customers' travel habits. Innovation, new concepts, other strategies will ensure this survival.
Certain travel groups will contribute more to your airline's earnings in the future, while others will disappear.

Global supply chains are still disrupted, probably for a long time to come. Transports by ship, train and truck have now been severely delayed and even become unpredictable at times.
Air freight is experiencing an unexpected comeback here, opening up new business areas for your airline.

The weak aircraft market brings unexpected opportunities for your fleet. Fixed cost reduction, expansion, new markets are just examples of your options to emerge stronger from the pandemic.

Let's explore your new possibilities together!

Aviation Guerrilla
